Cathy Sweeney is an English travel blogger. In 2016, the year in which Mantua was named Italian capital of culture, she visited our city, choosing Palazzo Castiglioni as her base during her stay. She spent several rather busy days in Mantua, which are summarised in the article Highlights of Mantua, 2016 Italian Capital of Culture on her blog.
Cathy spent three nights in a suite on the top floor of the tower, being able to see Mantua from the point of view that is unknown even to many locals. "What could be a better place to stay in Mantua than in an intriguing palace of great historic significance in the very historic centre of the old city?"
Cathy describes Mantua as an extremely liveable city, rich in cultural activities that residents can enjoy while immersed in an extremely important historical context.
Reading the article, we can see how the blogger was equally struck by the city's cultural and historical attractions, the energy of our piazzas and the natural offerings of our surroundings.
An honourable mention goes to the frescoes by Mantegna in Palazzo Ducale and the ceiling of the Hall of the Giants created by Giulio Romano in Palazzo Te, as well as the Teatro Bibiena, home of the Orchestra da camera di Mantova, which has its base of operations right here at Palazzo Castiglioni.
Piazza Sordello, Piazza delle Erbe, the lakeside Santuario delle Grazie and the Parco Sigurtà are all described as equally unforgettable stops on a journey that seems to have made its mark.
To close the article, there is a note of appreciation for the tortellini from Valeggio, a useful “pasta tip” for admirers of our food from around the world.